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At this year's DMEA, tetronik was represented with the DAKS portfolio at three different locations. Spread across the stands of our partners Mitel, SPIE and OR.NET, we had contact with a broad audience and were able to capture a wide variety of voices.     The main topic remains the Hospital...

As a centralized application management, the 'DAKS Mobile Client' Remote Configuration offers full control over the use of the DAKS Mobile Client as a work-relevant app. This makes it not only a convenience feature, but above all a security feature.

An eventful summer is gradually drawing to a close and a lot has also happened at tetronik this year: There have been major innovations in both DAKS hardware and software in 2023. In the following, we have summarized the most important ones for you!

In close cooperation, tetronik and Gigaset have developed a new, open interface for DECT IP systems. Via the alarm, messaging and location interface, Gigaset's single- and multi-cell systems can be connected to messaging and alarm servers, enabling them to receive text messages, make emergency...
With the inconspicuous 'Silent Alarm' via DAKS Desktop Client, colleagues can help each other, de-escalate threatening situations spontaneously and effectively, and prevent violence. As a long-standing expert for alerting and personal security, tetronik GmbH offers a broad solution portfolio for...